One year ago I attended my very first art retreat. It sounds so simple now but a year ago I was terrified. I wrote about ithereand here.It was the beginning of a year of finding my way again. I still have a lot of self doubt and criticism.I haven't quite found my center yet but the fog is beginning to clear. I am learning my own truth and listening to my own voice.
Thursday morning I am returning to An Artful Journey.I am beyond excited to be back at this most amazing retreat. Cindy has lined up the most amazing group of teachers and after much agonizing over which class I wanted to take I finally followed my gut feeling and will be getting messy with Stephanie Lee in her plaster class.I love her work and am looking forward to all she has to share and exploring something new. I will reconnect with friends I met last year and meet new ones. We will talk and laugh, make art and share our stories. I will feed my soul, heal my spirit and expand my heart.