In February, in spite of my fears at 52 years old, I went to my first art retreat. An Artful Journey started me on this reclaimed journey of my creative spirit. I met the very awesome Nina Bagley. Such a generous spirit who gave me gifts that had nothing to do with jewelry skills. I met women who continue to inspire me. I came home and started my blog and became part this wonderful community.
In April I traveled across the country with my son and his 2 cats. He was beginning a new journey that continues all these months later. He and I have not always had a easy time but I always feel blessed to be his mother.
In July my sister and I took a week long drawing class in St Andrews, New Brunswick. I learned that I really could draw. We had an amazing teacher who made it all seem so easy.
In September I experienced another amazing art retreat at Squam. My time there exceeded all my expectations. It is a magical wonderful place. I reconnected with Lorrie, Beth, and Louise who I met at An Artful Journey in February. I had amazing classes with Flora Bowley, Judy Wise, and Sarah Ahearn and met more amazing women that inspire me.
In between these big experiences were lots of small things. Moments that I sometimes forget to hold with the same importance and value as the big things.
So on this last day of 2010, instead of dwelling in what I didn't accomplish I will celebrate what I did do. I will not give voice to the choir of self criticism but instead I will say bravo to me! I started the journey!
I invite you to do the same.
I wish you all a very creative and blessed 2011.