wabi sabi

a beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete.
a beauty of things unconventional.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Self Portrait Friday

Not a pretty picture but my reality today. I have been in bed all day with a horrible headache. Once again a reminder to take some time for some self care once in a while!

On a happier note
We have been back on the island in our house that I love so much for about 10 days. Life here is so different than in California. Right now the island is still very quiet but you can feel things starting to shift. People who leave in the winter are starting to return. All the flowers and trees have buds that will all burst in the next few weeks. Everything will be green and the smell of lilacs, peony's, and sweet grass will drift in the open windows. There is a ritual to this bi coastal life that I love. The closing of the house in the fall and blessing it as I leave only to return a few months later to open it back up and bless it again for our welcome. Family and friends that I consider family gather for dinners, pushing tables together so we can all be at one table. This is my favorite! Wonderful food and conversation. We gather for games, wine on the deck, or just tea in the afternoon. All are welcome in this house.

Enjoy your weekend with those you gather around you!


  1. I am so glad you arrived safe and sound at your destination. What a lovely little home, you describe it so beautifully.

  2. Lindy, I love how you bless your home when you arrive and when you leave. Such a wonderful ritual of gratitude and love. And your photo is lovely :)))))
